The Chaldean Calendar is a very ancient art developed by the Chaldeans who occupied the southern part of Babylonia. The people of Chaldea became well known for their contributions to astronomy, mathematics and other sciences. The Chaldean system takes both your name and your birth date into consideration in the analysis of your name which can paint a picture of your personal “blueprint” – your essence, talents, desires, lessons and ideal directions for your life. Psychotherapist Nancy Fairbrother has been in the field of Personal Development for more than 30 years. Her passion is inspiring and empowering people to live the purpose they were born for. Author of “You were Born to Succeed” to live a meaningful life through the expression of your life purpose believes your Chaldean chart can help you if you feel theres something missing in your life, if you dont know your next step, if you are seeking your right profession or calling, Know you were designed to succeed!
Chaldean Calendar | Psychotherapist Nancy Fairbrother | Spirituality | Self Help | Deb Scott Best People We Know Radio Show
Chaldean Calendar | Psychotherapist Nancy Fairbrother | Spirituality | Self Help | Deb Scott Best People We Know Radio Show