A PANEL DISCUSSION ON RACE: Rodney Martin will moderate a Panel Discussion, and join the discussion, on Race joined by: Andrew Anglin of Total Fascism Scott Roberts of Forbidden Truth Joe Adams of the White Voice The subject of Race has come to mean different things to different people and different groups within White Nationalism. Some have gone so far to say “Jews are not a Race” and “we should not talk about Jews”. Others advocate placing Race as a secondary issue to other issues such as economics. For years Marxist Jewish Multicultalists have used blacks and Hispanics as weapons against Whites, should White Nationalism focus only on Blacks and Hispanics and not on the primary cause-Jews? How do we create a positive Ethno-Nationalist message that appeals to the millions of racially aware White people who have not yet organized? Are Jews a Race? Do we address the Jewish problem? If we do are we “mindless haters” or “a bunch of goose-steppers”. Visit: Visit World View Foundations: www.wvfoundations.org Visit Total Fascism: www.totalfacism.com Visit the Forbidden Truth: www.forbiddentruth.net Visit the White Voice: www.thewhitevoice.com totalfascism@gmail.com
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