Imagine gaining a new perspective to see the challenging people, things and situations in your life as opportunities for exciting celebrations! Best Selling Author - Sheila Unique, Master Energetic Intuitive & relationship expert, joins us to share how.. "Quick Shifts'...Sheilas best selling book, has been described as ageless and timeless, with a simple, yet practical guide to move through the issues and struggles in everyday life, to help you see opportunities to learn and grow. Her ‘Ask Sheila Column' is a popular monthly column in the health & wellness magazine; Alternative Choice. She offers readers an opportunity to see their struggles and challenging situations in a more empowering uplifting way. Visit and teleclass at Connect with Deb on: Twitter @GreenSkyDeb & Website
Sheila Unique | Energetic Intuitive | Challenges to Celebrations | Self Help | Deb Scott Author Radio Host Best People
Sheila Unique | Energetic Intuitive | Challenges to Celebrations | Self Help | Deb Scott Author Radio Host Best People