Whenever a medical professional desires to seek the condition of person; one of the "vital signs" measured is the pulse of the heartbeat. As we move on barely one week after the "Not Guilty" criminal verdict in Sandford, Florida:USA of the man that targeted, stalked (via automobile and on foot) and eventually killed a young unarmed 17 year old male of African geneology we must "pulse" what this truly means in terms of a Country that claims to be Christian at its roots. This special 90 minute internet broadcast is dedicated to the round-table of many of the facts that are here for any person to research for themselves but have been compiled by the Host to glean some reality from the smoke and mirrors of religion. We are discussing Christianity in America with the backdrop of the application of the social order that has historically defined America. Join us Wednesday night's @ 9-10pm Eastern (Thursday 0100-0200GMT) >>>"Power Points 101" This broadcast series is for those exhausted by religion and still seeking that true relationship with the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that leads to breakthroughs, victory and YOUR true destiny in this life. Without doubt…the content is not typical and to some degree is controversial. Be here each and every Wednesday night on Bebee Watson and Friends Network. Be sure to tune in on Tuesday nights @ 9pm EDT (Wednesdays 0100-0200GMT) for Bebee Watson's great and informative programming as well!
Richard Gladiator Johnson Conservative Church | Trayvon Martin Juror B37 George Zimmerman | Bebee Watsonand Freinds Dnominations Dogman | Dred Scott Decision Jim Crow | Christianity in America United States
Richard Gladiator Johnson Conservative Church | Trayvon Martin Juror B37 George Zimmerman | Bebee Watsonand Freinds Dnominations Dogman | Dred Scott Decision Jim Crow | Christianity in America United States