Although we traditionally think of January 1 as the start of a new year, for me, September always feels like the start of something new...a new season. In fact, September 4th at sunset marks the beginning of Rosh Hashanah or the "Jewish New Year." Rosh Hashanah "emphasizes the special relationship between God and humanity: our dependence upon God as our creator and sustainer, and God's dependence upon us as the ones who make His presence known and felt in His world." ( Last November, I interviewed Nik Scott, minister, entrepreneur, author, wife, and mother about walking out Gods plan and purpose for our lives. Learn about her "3 Fs" (flow, focus, and forward) and my "6 Ps" (passion, purpose, position, plan, promotion, and provision) for moving forward in your new season. Ill be on the air live with Nik replaying this informative encore broadcast.
forward | new season | purpose | Rosh Hashanah | new year
forward | new season | purpose | Rosh Hashanah | new year