Paranormal Kool Aid is proud to have as our guests Tony & Debra Pickman who lived through one of the most famous hautings of modern times, "The Sallie House" of Atchison, Kansas. As seen on "UNsolved Mysteries", "Sightings", "A Haunting", "My Ghost Story" and many other TV shows, their story has been told also in Debra's book and movies. Listen as they tell the story of years of personal experience at the hands of a spiritual attachment and possible demonic oppression. In the second hour, The TriState Paranormal Investigators (TSPI), of Middlesboro KY started out investigating the Tri-State areas of Kentucky, Virginia, and Tennessee. Use the latest technology along with modern day and old school scientific methods they search the supernatural, investigating everything from ghosts/spirits to aliens and even the study of cryptozoology (Bigfoot, chupacabra, etc.) They've working together since 2004, but our Co-founders, Neal Williams and Lonnie Rhymer, have been studying the unexplained since the late 90's. With their own radio show, podcast and local TV program that is going National this month TSPI is a team who are making a name for themselves. Discussions on Paranormal Phenomena: Ghost/Spirits, Psychics/Mediums, Hauntings, Demonic Possession, Ufology, Alien Abduction, Time Travel, NDE's, Bigfoot/Sasquatch, Conspiracies & All Things Unexplained. Hosts Chris Medina, Chandra Stull, Jamie Geller and Scott Gruenwald with Claire Connolly(Chat host and live Chat questions) producer Belinda Clark-Ache broadcast "LIVE" every Wednesday Evening @ 9e/8c/6p 646-929-2384