Positive People, Information and News! That is all you will find on Marvelous Mondays with Harry & Phil. Join us each and every Monday night as an alternative to the nightly news and end your day on a positive note! On December 17th, we welcome Dr. Wayne Andersen to the show. He is one of the nation's foremost physicians in nutritional intervention and best-selling author of the groundbreaking book Dr. A's Habits of Health, Dr. Wayne Scott Andersen has devoted his career to forging new territory in the realm of creating optimal health through a comprehensive approach that addresses and breaks through logistical and psychological barriers. As the nation's tenth board- certified physician in critical care, he helped pioneer the emerging subspecialty of intensive care medicine, serving as director of critical care at Grandview Medical Center. Now co-founder of Take Shape for Life TM and executive director of the Health Institute, a training and certification organization in the emerging field of health coaching, he also serves as medical director of Medifast® and as a reviewer for Critical Care Medicine Journal in the area of nutrition. http://www.drwayneandersen.com
Marvelous Mondays | Harry Shade | Phil Gornail | Dr Wayne Andersen | Life
Marvelous Mondays | Harry Shade | Phil Gornail | Dr Wayne Andersen | Life